Initial Commit


I think it is important for engineers/developers to be aware of their own "online profile", for lack of a better phrase. Today the market for technicians seems to be blooming, but that might not be the case tomorrow, and thus the need to think ahead. As the technology industry matures and more developers are educated, the fight for jobs will be harder, and the ones that have nothing to show for in terms of online activity will fall behind.

At NDC Oslo 2017 I went to Troy Hunt's talk "Hack Your Career" where he describes much of the same. When an employer interviews a candidate, looking at their resume, they will almost never be impressed by what they see. Resumes, motivational letters and references are always written or chosen by the candidate, and thus it will always leave a positive impression, that is the point. But what employers will actually care about is if they can google your name and find real content you created and the internet. Twitter discussions, blog posts or stack overflow questions/answers will all be way more credible sources than any resume or reference.

Who am I?

This blog will be focused around my experiences in working with technology from day to day. I have previously written sporadic posts/articles for my company and clients I'v been working with, but now I will start to compile everything here. I will try to make a common place to collect thoughts I have, as well as "documentation" for new technology I learn and work with.

I currently work as an consultant in Oslo. I graduated from university 3 years ago with a masters in communication technology from NTNU in Trondheim. I have since worked at a project within insurance, touching on different technologies throughout the stack. Technologies I enjoy the most atm are NServiceBus and React+Redux. I have also a passion for devops, and have worked a lot with Git, Teamcity and Octopus deploy, always striving towards a simpler and more effective pipeline. I am currently tech lead at a team developing, deploying and monitoring a handful of "services". My posts will mainly focus on the mentioned technologies.

In addition to my job and technology in general, I am a passionate runner, clocking between 30 and 50 kms per week, as well as an aspiring wine enthusiast. Wine is also the use case for the application where I practice/test out new technology, which probably will be seen in upcoming posts.