Architecture Obstacles in Message Driven Systems Building distributed systems is fundamentally different from the synchronous world many developers are used to. Using messaging as communication and eventually consistent persistence introduce several pitfalls which might be hard to foresee. Moving applications to the cloud, as a general rule, removes transactions in its traditional form and new problems
DevOps Deterministic development environments using docker-compose When you start working on an existing project, open source or for a client, setting up the development environment is the first task you have to solve. If you are lucky the project has scripts for installing the required applications locally, but you will usually have to install required infrastructure
Azure Azure Service Bus - entities and operations Azure Service Bus is a fully managed integration message broker. It is a service providing reliable and secure asynchronous transfer of state and data. A service bus is used to connect applications in a loosely coupled way, by using a third party queuing service. Applications can run and do work
Architecture Not a Service This article includes my opinionated view on a topic where there clearly is no "correct" answer. Some of the statements are influenced by others, in particular Udi Dahan and Adam Ralph. The perspective of "what a service is not" is inspired by Adam Ralph's
DevOps DevOps - From the beginning The term DevOps has been with us for a decade, and the common understanding of what it means has continued to drift. What started as a way of describing the culture where work flows through a team all the way to production where eventually value is delivered, has been distilled
Testing Functional Integration Testing with Postman I previously wrote about my initial experiences working with Azure Functions during a summer project earlier this year. > See Azure Functions - first encounter [] As great of an experience serverless and Azure Functions might provide, I still had some major obstacles I found hard to
C# Azure Functions - first encounter During the summer I was working on a project with students for a pro bono customer. The project uses Azure Functions as back-end for a mobile application created using react-native. This was my first encounter with Azure Functions and serverless as a whole, which has been an entirely positive experience.
F# Simple front-end setup using Vue.js and Poi In the previous post we configured Suave to serve data from Azure table storage. Now that there is data, I would like to add some front-end code and serve it through the same web server. With Suave configured, that is a piece of cake. > See Combining Suave and Azure
F# Combining Suave and Azure Storage I previous wrote about my initial experience with F# and showed some characteristic operators and functionality. I think F# and functional programming is fun and efficient to work with, so I would like to build an application that uses F# where possible. > See F#: TypeProviders + Basic Operators [https://kofoedanders.
DevOps IRL DevOps - from editor to production When talking about DevOps there are a lot of misconceptions, and a lot of articles and discussions about how there are a lot of misconception about DevOps. As with most "buzzword concepts", it is not really productive to discuss what it is, better to show what it could
C#: Dynamic Locking The other day I stumbled upon what I thought was an interesting problem, with an accompanying illustrative solution. The problem at hand is related to concurrency, which seems to be an inevitable problem when working with message bases solutions. I will describe the problem, and a solution that I found
F# F#: TypeProviders + Basic Operators I have recently been learning a bit of F# on my spare time, working on a few hobby projects to do so. As a C# developer by day, I think it is wise to learn other technology, both to be more attractive as a consultant, but also to stay sharp
BDD Tests that Matter When starting to learn about software development and coding, writing tests seems to be the least fun and something that many try to avoid as much as possible. At some point everyone has been told that writing tests is important, and that TDD is the only way to write good
git Git Cooperation - From fancy to Functioning Background There are a lot of articles online about git and different approaches and strategies, and this often becomes a point of discussion when talking to colleges. There are all the Git[insert non-descriptive language]Flow and different types of pull request strategies, all trying to solve some kind of
Initial Commit Motivation I think it is important for engineers/developers to be aware of their own "online profile", for lack of a better phrase. Today the market for technicians seems to be blooming, but that might not be the case tomorrow, and thus the need to think ahead. As